The CSIR 800 program is aimed at improving the quality of life of common people with the help of science and technology. Quality and speedy construction of toilets are essential to meet the massive demand of providing toilet facilities to all for eradicating open defecation.
Considering this, CSIR-SERC has developed cost-effective and durable toilet units with thin precast concrete segmental panels for rapid installation. The components of the toilet unit are precast and lightweight, while ensuring good corrosion resistance. The units are easy to transport, and assemble at the site in a few hours. The total cost of a toilet unit at the user end is about Rs.15,000. Mass production will reduce the cost further. The developed technology is modular and can be made use for a cluster of toilet units.

Rotary Club of Madras has visited CSIR-SERC and shown interest in this technology with the aim of providing toilet facilities in various government schools in Tamil Nadu. In view of this, CSIR-SERC has demonstrated the cost-effective toilet technology at government panchayat middle school, Mootaikaaran Chavadi, Chennai, where there is a shortage of toilet facilities, and for wider reach to the public, government authorities and NGOs.
Director of CSIR-SERC inaugurated the facility and handed it over to the school on Aug.2. During the inauguration of the technology demonstration, Advisor management, Head, ACTEL, Dr.J.Prabhakar, Chief Scientist, developer of the technology, Dr.Lakshmikandhan, Senior scientist, CSIR-SERC, students, staff members, headmaster of the school, local Panchayat ward member, Assistant Governor Ravindran, Gopi Ramu (President), Sriram Natesh (Director Community development), Santhosh (Director – Vocational service), Raja (Chairman Disaster management) from the Madras Rotary Club participated.