‘We are Chennai Cycling Group’ (WCCG), on June 16, successfully conducted its cyclathon with more than 725 enthusiastic cyclists participating in it.

The event, which commenced from Rani Lady Meyyammai Higher Secondary School, Gandhi Nagar, saw 70 finishers in the 10 km category; 135 finishers in the 25 km category; 180 finishers in the 50 km category and 340 finishers in the 100 km category. Of the finishers, about 30 were school students and more than 50 senior citizens.

WCCG, as part of their Humans of Cycling initiative, also extended its support to empower five female students and an adult for his livelihood, by providing them with new bicycles. “We are sure that this gesture will spur many more students to start cycling as a transport option so that they grow up to be environmentally sensitive and health conscious citizens of the future,” said a statement from WCCG.