Tamil Nadu athletes delivered a stellar performance at the 62nd National Roller Skating Championship, organised by the Roller Skating Federation of India (RSFI) and recognised by the International Olympic Association, held in Bangalore in December 2024. Competing against top talents nationwide, they secured medals across various age categories in skateboarding and freestyle roller skating.
The championship featured Street and Park events, where Tamil Nadu athletes excelled, demonstrating their skill and determination. Their training took place at premier facilities in Chennai – Madras Wheelers Skate Park (Thoraipakkam) and G Skate Park (Medavakkam), under the guidance of experienced coaches Vijay Dominic and Durai.
Tamil Nadu’s growing interest in roller sports and steady rise in national competitions underscore the state’s potential as a hub for this Olympic sport. The athletes’ success at the championship inspires a new generation, cementing Tamil Nadu’s position as a prominent contender in the field of roller sports.