PRAKRUTHI, which recently conducted the first workshop on biodiversity conservation through tourism, organised ‘Blazing Trails’ a skill set development programme for travel and tourism students this week.
The first college program with Stella Maris, was conducted with a field trip and onsite workshop at Adyar Poonga on July 20, under the aegis of pioneers of ecotourism like Dr.T.D.Babu (Tree Walker), Dr.Abdul Razak (Green Cities), S.Vignesh and J.Umapathy (Ornithologists) and Dipankar Ghose (Outwardbound Specialist).

From handling of binoculars to identification of birds, plants and trees through books and apps, were the initial studies on the maiden ecotour. Topics like ‘Go Green in Rain and Shine’ covered biodiversity conservation, mangrove regeneration, green mission, etc.
On July 28, Prakruthi observed the ‘World Nature Conservation Day’, by instituting ‘CECOAE’ – Centre for Eco Care and Outward-bound Adventure Experiences, with the launch of Go Green in Rain and Shine for Ecosystem Restoration.

“The centre has become essential with the types of initiatives we’re undertaking – from Eco Conservation to Ecotourism and interaction with international bodies,” said Program Officer J.Umapathy.
For more information on skill development for ecotourism, contact 73959 17040.