Mangaiyarkarasi Manram to reopen Balwadi for underprivileged children
The Mangaiyarkarasi Maghlir Manram held its Annual General Body Meeting on Feb.21. A key resolution passed unanimously was the revival ...
The Mangaiyarkarasi Maghlir Manram held its Annual General Body Meeting on Feb.21. A key resolution passed unanimously was the revival ...
Gandhi Jayanthi’ was celebrated at Mangayarkarasi Magalir Manram, Sastri Nagar. They celebrated Gandhi Jayanthi and the birth anniversary of former ...
Zahira Moideen served as the president of Mangeyarkarasi Magalir Mandram for several years with dedication. She has now handed over ...
Adyar Times was established in Chennai in the year 1993, founded by Mr.S.P.Ambrose, IAS (Retd.). The concept of a newspaper for the neighbourhood was a novel idea then. The English weekly (Sunday) now boasts a circulation of 42000 copies with an average of 16 pages per issue.
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