In a bid to reduce air pollution during the upcoming Bhogi festival, the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has called on the public to celebrate the event in an environmentally friendly manner, free of harmful emissions. The “Smokeless Bhogi – 2025” campaign aims to raise awareness about the negative impact of burning materials like tyres, plastics, and other waste items during the festival.
The press release stated : “Traditionally, Bhogi, the day before Pongal, symbolized renewal and transformation, with people discarding old belongings in a bonfire made of natural materials. However, in recent years, the practice has led to significant air pollution due to the burning of discarded tyres, rubber tubes, plastic items, and other non-biodegradable materials. This has caused dense black smoke, disrupting traffic, and flight operations, and creating health hazards such as eye irritation and respiratory issues.”
For the past 20 years, TNPCB has been working to reduce these harmful practices through public awareness campaigns, including the distribution of handouts, audio messages via auto rickshaws, and community outreach efforts. These initiatives have resulted in a significant reduction in the burning of waste materials during the festival.
In addition to the awareness campaigns, TNPCB will also conduct ambient air quality surveys in 15 locations across Chennai for 24 hours during Bhogi and the days before and after the festival. The data from these surveys will be published on the TNPCB website.
As part of its continued efforts, the TNPCB is reaching out to the public, especially in the Greater Chennai Corporation and across Tamil Nadu’s districts, urging them to avoid burning plastics, tyres, and other pollutants during Bhogi celebrations.
The TNPCB has called for a collective effort to celebrate a cleaner and healthier Bhogi festival in 2025, contributing to the well-being of the environment and the public.