By K.R.Chandrasekaran, Besant Nagar.
On Oct.2, the morning session was full of CISF cadres in uniform from different ranks and files; the number of buses would indicate their strength that day. They were duly assisted by NSS boys, college students and group members from the Urbaser Sumeet team, to keep the beach litter free.

‘Swachch Bharath’ was the theme and I appreciate their commitment to be present for this noble cause during the weekend holiday. It was also a novel initiative to plant Palm seeds in the sands by students from a private college.

But all their sacred efforts remain only on record or on Facebook at the end of the day, as the root cause for the piling garbage, though a writing on the wall, is not dealt with an iron hand with a system of penalty against the offenders.
Bad that it’s of permanent Nature…
The shopkeepers who are the main cause for littering at the beach are allowed to encroach the sand area and no questions asked on the unlimited freedom taken by the public to ransack the divine beach.
There is an organic food shop near the Police outpost, where the platform is used as a granite dining table and at the end of the session, the surroundings look like a war-front. It’s left to the Urbaser Sumeet team to clean this spot on a daily basis.
A group of 30 homeless people of various age groups reside permanently at the beach, they are offered free sumptuous breakfast by various event promoters especially during weekends. Otherwise they beg honourably in disguise of selling key chains and many petty items to keep them going.
During day time they shift base to other adjoining streets as one can see them playing Dhayam (Ludo) under tree shades as a pastime without attempting any gainful employment.
I feel pity for their children being left to live on platforms under the Sun without being given formal school education with no choice left in future to continue their legacy.
The ugliest part is that they are least bothered about the environment and must be attending to their morning chores on the beach shores.
Happen to see them misusing the mineral drinking water provision, sponsored by some private body, for brushing their teeth, resulting in water-shortage and the very purpose of this water provision gets defeated.

Neither the Police nor the Corporation seems to have any solution to this menace and remain silent spectators as the local residents are let to suffer ultimately.
We, the local residents living nearby, are totally tired and through this forum, appeal to the Police and other civic bodies to rehabilitate them in a permanent way to see that their children are given fresh lease of life.