Samskrita Bharati, Adyar, conducted Ratanotsavam – an online competition for children aged 6 to 15 in Shabda Ratanam. The unique skill requirement for Shabda Ratanam in Samskritam is that students should memorise and recite various forms of Shabdas (nouns / verbs).
Prize distribution was held on Jan.12 at Yogalaya, Gandhi Nagar. The chief guest was Meenakshi Sriram – Samskrita Teacher at KSN Senior Secondary School, Thiruvanmiyur. She spoke in simple Samskrtam encouraging children. The special guest was C.S.Ram – Vice President of Dharma Paripalana Sabha (Shri Ananta Padmanabha Swamy temple, Gandhi Nagar). More than 80 children participated and enthusiastically showcased their excellent talent on Shabda Ratanam.