Chennai Poets’ Circle (CPC) conducted its annual seminar at T. Nagar on Jan.19. Efflorescence 2024, the anthology of CPC was launched by the chief guest, Dr.P.Kulalmolial (Retd. Principal – Govt. Arts College, Kulithalai).
Expressing deep appreciation for the writers, particularly the budding poets featured in the Young Poets’ Corner, Dr Kulalmolial observed the ‘spontaneity of emotions’ in the verses.
More than 50 poets participated in the seminar, which included poets from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. Efflorescence 2024 features 124 poets in the age group 11 to 80 from diverse backgrounds, with poems ‘verily innovative and creative.’
Welcoming the audience, Dr. Thirumeni, Chairman briefly traced the colonial, renaissance and post-independence poetry, and the impact of Indian English writing in today’s times. Dr. Kannan, in the presidential address, mentioned that CPC was constantly raising the bar of creative expressions to contribute to the ‘creative poetic wealth’ of our nation. The programme was anchored by Hema Ravi, Secretary (CPC) and editor of Efflorescence. After his brief observations about the event, Ravi Ranganathan, treasurer delivered the vote of thanks.
Besides poetry reading, Stephen Deepak of Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru presented a paper on Tagore’s Gitanjali, with Dr. Sridevi Selvaraj (Principal of a leading city college) chairing the event. A notable feature of Efflorescence 2024 is the participation of a visually challenged school student S.Ashwin.
Chennai Poets Circle (CPC), a non-political poetry group, has been promoting the cause of Indian writing in English since 2003. Poets who wish to know more about the activities of the CPC may contact Hema Ravi at [email protected].