The toll gates on the East Coast Road (ECR) have started collecting new toll charges, and it came into effect from June 12. The Uthandi toll booth on the East Coast Road from Chennai to Mamallapuram would both be subject to the increased toll.
In G.O Ms.No.49, Highways and Minor Ports (HF2) Department dated 05.07.2017, the Government of Tamil Nadu fixed toll rates under NHAI Act, for various categories of vehicles using ECR. As per the Article 7.3 of the concession agreement, “The applicable rate of toll fee shall be fixed/revised annually with effect from 1st April of each year, with respect to Wholesale price index (WPI)”. Accordingly, the toll rates were revised/fixed for the period from 12.06.2024 to 31.03.2025. The revised rates are as follows.

Ambulances , Fire Tenders, Funeral Vehicles , Vehicles used by Central and State Forces in Uniform including Armed Forces, Para Military and Police Official Vehicles transporting and accompanying the President of India, Vice President of India, Prime Minister of India, Governor/Lt. Governor of any State/Union Territory, Chief Ministers of any State/Union Territory, Presiding Officers of Central and State Legislatures having jurisdiction, Leaders of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and State Legislatures, Judges of Supreme Court and High Court, Foreign Dignitaries on State Visit to India, Executive Magistrates and persons authorised by Competent Authority to use the Project road for discharging their obligations in relation to the Project site. Cycles, two wheelers, tractors and non-motorized vehicles of any kind, fish-carts, auto-rickshaws owned by bonafide local residents living along the Project Road, cars owned for personal use by bonafide local residents living along the Project Road; and Postal /Mail Vehicles of Department of Posts of Government of India.