With the help and support of more than 200 kind donors and well-wishers, Dream India Education and Charitable Trust, Indira Nagar, provided new sets of clothes, special sweets and sparklers to all the children of government school at Kaatmalayanur, Vaiyavoor, Mazhaiyur, Pums Aranji Middle School (Thiruvannamalai), Vasantham Special School and Home, Payir Home, Sarojini Varadappan Home for Girls, Chamiers Bridge Children, Sri Lankan refugee camp children and the Trust’s study centres at Bangalore, Kannagi Nagar, Mumbai Centre.
The children of Corporation High School, Kamaraj Avenue, enjoyed a special customised sweet and snack box while the elderly residents of Kakkum Karangal Old Age Home, Thiruvanmiyur, were given special gifts as per their need. In total, 1398 children and 30 elders were part of Dream India’s ‘Diwali For All 2022’.
The institute thanked all Headmistresses / headmasters, in charge of the homes, teachers of all the schools and homes, and their partners – Patterns Cognitive, Finecons, iGiver and My Harvest Farms for making this happen.