Mahakumbabishekam of Vinayaga temple at Deccan Enclave
The Jeerothaarana Ashta Bandana Maha Kumbhabhishekam of Ponmeni Vinayagar temple at Deccan Enclave, TM Maistry Street, Thiruvanmiyur, was performed on ...
The Jeerothaarana Ashta Bandana Maha Kumbhabhishekam of Ponmeni Vinayagar temple at Deccan Enclave, TM Maistry Street, Thiruvanmiyur, was performed on ...
Adyar Times was established in Chennai in the year 1993, founded by Mr.S.P.Ambrose, IAS (Retd.). The concept of a newspaper for the neighbourhood was a novel idea then. The English weekly (Sunday) now boasts a circulation of 42000 copies with an average of 16 pages per issue.
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