The One-Week-One-Theme (OWOT) campaign for the ‘Chemicals (including Leather) and Petrochemicals (CLP)’ theme was celebrated at CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) on July 16, 19 and 10.
Following the grand inauguration and panel discussion organised on July 16, an array of informative and thought-provoking talks were organised on July 19 at CLRI. Dr K.J.Sreeram – Director of CSIR-CLRI welcomed the gathering comprising students and faculties of schools, and colleges, CSIR family and the industry stakeholders. He emphasized the importance of bringing about a change in perceptions about the leather industry among the public, the role of the leather industry in circularity, the reduction of carbon footprint, and the journey of CSIR-CLRI.
B. Ramalingam – Head of M/s Bhartiya International Ltd spoke about the reusability and recyclability of leather and its role in the productive conversion of bio-waste (hides and skins) to value-added products.
Dr.B.Madhan – Chief Scientist at CSIR-CLRI shared insights on collagen and its diverse applications. C.Rajeshwara Rajha from M/s Sai Chamois Inc. spoke of the unique features of chamois leathers. Dr.Amit Ashok Vernekar – Scientist at CSIR-CLRI enlightened the students on the various opportunities available for Research Fellowships. This was followed by a talk by N. Priya – Senior Technical Officer at CSIR-CLRI, about the various instrumentation and analytical facilities at the institute. The talks were attended by around 480 students from National Public School, Gurunanak College, Presidency College and Veltech University and research scholars of CSIR-CLRI. The event also witnessed the presence of Scientists of CSIR and Industry representatives.

CSIR-CLRI and CSIR-CECRI also jointly organized a Tech Expo of Leather and Coatings on July 19 and 20, wherein the public and students were informed about the different types of leathers and leather products, demonstration of batteries etc.
The leather Museum housed in the Institute was also kept open to the public. It exhibited a premium collection of leather artefacts of the last three centuries, e.g. leather vases, bags, garments, footwear and musical instruments. CSIR-CLRI hosted leather products show and sale with 100% genuine leather products from renowned leather product companies. There were around 700 visitors on both days for the Leather and Coatings Tech Expo, Leather Museum and Leather Products’ sale.