In a major boost to Tamil Nadu’s tourism and cultural offerings, a state-of-the-art floating restaurant was inaugurated at the Muttukadu Boat House on January 7. The grand opening was officiated by the Honorable Minister for Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises, T.M. Anbarasan, and the Honorable Minister for Tourism, R. Rajendran.
Valued at Rs.5 crore, the floating restaurant named ‘Seanz Cruise’spans an impressive 3,000 square feet over two floors, with the capacity to host 100 diners simultaneously. The facility has been designed to accommodate a variety of events, including conferences, official meetings, wedding receptions, and other gatherings, providing a unique experience for guests.
The project is operated by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC), an organization established in 1971 under the leadership of the late Dr. Kalaignar. Over the years, TTDC has grown to manage 26 hotels and nine boat houses across the state, offering innovative and enriching tourism experiences. The floating restaurant marks yet another milestone in TTDC’s mission to promote cultural and tourism activities in Tamil Nadu.
The inauguration was attended by prominent dignitaries, including Dr. P. Senthil Balaji, IAS, Secretary of Tourism and Culture, and Shilpa Prabhakar Satish, IAS, Managing Director of TTDC, alongside district officials and local government representatives.
The floating restaurant is expected to draw significant footfall to the Muttukadu Boat House, contributing to the region’s economy and tourism industry while offering visitors a modern and picturesque dining experience.