The Councillors of Ward 179 and 173 conducted Area Sabhas in their constituencies last week.
The area sabha of Ward 179 was held at the Gandhigaram Chennai Middle School on Sep.17 by Councillor J.Kayalvizhi; for Ward 173, it was held at the Corporation premises on L.B.Road on Sep.18, by Councillor D.Subhashini.
Among the complaints submitted, members of Adyar Kasturba Nagar- South Residents Welfare Association also expressed their grievances. Here are the extracts of the complaints submitted.

Our association has 73 residents as life members, residing in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Main Road. These roads have entry through Canal Bank Road and are facing hardship on the carriageway due to encroachments on the road and they need to be removed immediately –
- Encroachments by Nutan Industries: operating a warehouse in an unauthorised building and parking of huge trucks (for loading and unloading of goods) in the residential area is causing lots of problems to the residents.
- Waterwash for 2 and 4-wheelers near the junction of 5th Main Road;
- Scrap dealer occupying half of the road at the entrance of 6th Main Road;
- On 6th Main Road news channel Mega TV has installed a huge genset on the road itself causing problems to all the residents in addition to parking of cars and 2-wheelers by their employees.
- On Canal Bank Road, the narrow stretch opposite to Maragatham clinic, a repair shop has occupied half of the road, obstructing the free flow of traffic.