AI and Samskritam

Samskrita Bharati is part of a path-breaking project called AI4BHARAT – an initiative by the central government and IIT Madras.
AI4BHARAT (Artificial intelligence for Bharat) is a Research Lab at IIT Madras which works on developing open-source datasets, tools, models and applications for Indian languages. Samskrita Bharati is also part of this initiative.
Last week, a team from AI4BHARAT camped at Samskrita Bharati office and recorded voices (in Sanskritam) of many volunteers as a part of their data collection process. The team provided a set of questions, for example: How is the health care in your area? What is special about Tamilnadu? How do you spend your weekend? Etc.,The recorded audios will be used to create digital corpus and it will be further used by IIT Madras engineering team to create voice to text features.
Samskrita Bharati conducts Samskrita Sammelanam
The volunteers, students, teachers, well-wishers of Samskrita Bharati, Adayar had a get-together on Nov.18 at Sri Sankara Matriculation School (RTO) Thiruvanmiyur. More than 100 people participated in this grand annual event.

The chief guest of the program was Dr.Vidya Ramachandran, Sr. Dy. Director – ICMR (Retd), who shared interesting anecdotes from her life that helped build her life and career. Vidya Ramesh, Samskrita Coaching Coordinator of Samskrita Bharati, Tamilnadu, did Vidyarambham as part of Bharati Pooja.
During the program, more than 50 students from 15 different classes showcased their talent through songs, skits, and speeches, in Samskritam.